Humanity Department

Humanity Department

Humanity department – the stew of other subjects.

The department encompasses social sciences i.e. Geography, Christian Religious Education (C.R.E) and History. The subjects impart knowledge that shapes the society through inculcating good moral values, preventing repetition of mistakes done in the past and make students understand and manage their environment properly. Teachers in the department include: Mrs. Muita (H.O.D), Mrs. Ngure, Mr. Miriti, Mr. Maina and Madam Celina.

The school performs very well in the subjects in K.C.S.E. The good results are not accidental but are attributed to:

  • Highly motivated students
  • Team spirit
  • Passionate teachers
  • Creativity in the department
  • Attention given to individual students as per their capability

Teaching and learning in the department is therefore interesting, no wonder it is said to produce ‘stew’ for the other subjects.

Welcome to dynamism in humanity department whenever you visit the school.

By Mrs. Muita Purity

(H.O.D Humanity Department)